Thursday, October 27, 2011

Mike Baird and Bob Taylor "Nightmare" Mailer Weak on Facts

Apparently city council candidates Mike Baird and Bob Taylor failed to research a claim on his mailer that "the prescription drug drop off program" was "started by Mayor Costas." The NWI Times wrote that "fire Chief David Nondorf and Police Chief Michael Brickner had applied to the DEA to set up a drop-off program, but it was turned down." and that the DAUGHTER of Mayor Costas was the person that aided the fire and police chief in composing the second request. The daughter of the mayor was even quoted saying, "Chief Brickner and Chief Nondorf had done a lot of work, and I just drafted the letter."

To top it off, Baird's mailer mentions that residents should "re-elect" Baird when he was never elected in the first place unless you count the 7 Republican committee persons that picked him after Kelly Ward resigned in August of 2010 as an election.

Yes, prescription drugs in the wrong hands are wrong but are Baird and Taylor making it a campaign issue when both Republican and Democrats agree that the prescription drug drop off program is a good idea?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Is your Facebook friend a PAID consultant for Valparaiso Republicans?

Image of Curt Ellis taken from his Facebook Page
Is your Facebook friend a PAID consultant for Valparaiso Republicans?

The next time you read a post by Curt Ellis think twice about the money he received to post such glowing reports of the city of Valparaiso and Republican Candidates. Curt Ellis is a paid consultant for Republican Valparaiso City Council candidates Mike Baird, Tim Daly, and Deb Butterfield. The campaign finance report of Deb Butterfield revealed that she paid Ellis $275 to manage her Facebook presence.  Baird paid Ellis $725 while Daly paid Ellis $710. All of these transactions are listed in the campaign finance reports turned in last week.

If the Republican City Council candidates hire consultants that don't practice transparency do you really think the Republican candidates will be transparent after the election?
A screenshot taken from the Comment section of the NWI Times in regards to the Valparaiso City Council asking for more tax money.