Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The County Council Meeting Top 10 List

Top 10 highlights of the 4/3/2012 county council meeting.

  1. CEDIT funds from 2011 were allowed to be re-appropriated after a second vote in which Councilwoman Sylvia Graham changed her vote after a second round of "heated" discussion that clarified the lawyers recommendations and the stance of the DLGF.
  2. Chesterton Sewer project had its reputation damaged by residents within the Damon Run Conservancy district complaining of double taxation if CEDIT dollars are used to help fund Chesterton's economic development plan.
  3. Councilman Polarek, also a Commissioner candidate, received $200 for travelling to Indy to hear Ed Charboneau. He said it was a "conference" in the meeting agenda. Earlier, Polarek asked if CEDIT funds could be transferred to rainy day funds and then to another fund in order to pay 911 salaries since CEDIT funds cannot directly go towards salaries.
  4. Hebron Town Council would like to be on next month's agenda for a plan to use some of the Hospital funds.
  5. Commissioner Evans interrupted County Council President, Dan Whitten, instructing him in which order the items should go on the agenda. His plight was unsuccessful.
  6. Court IV D was funded and Judge Harper strongly suggested the Council lobby the State to step up in the obligations for courts.
  7. The County Council asked the consultants that gave the drainage study report to come back with a package deal from the commissioners so they can fund it, possibly floating a bond.  Evans said he no longer supports using CEDIT dollars for funding drainage.
  8. Commissioner Evans told Councilman Biggs, who is also a candidate for County Commissioner, "There is a separation of powers you don't recognize" in response the the intense questioning by Biggs about CEDIT projects.
  9. Commissioner Evans said that the Commissioners plan on disbanding the current Redevelopment Commission and creating a statutory Redevelopment Commission.
  10. Councilman Biggs accused Commissioner Evans of campaigning (pot calling kettle black) less than 40 minutes into the 3 hour meeting. Later, Biggs failed at a joke when he asked Sheriff Lain to bring the SWAT team with him to the next meeting in case he and Evans cannot get along. 

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