Less than a week after the election Mitch Daniels has declared that benefits will have to be cut for people who are out of work. In addition Daniels said that unemployment insurance TAXES ON BUSINESSES will have to be RAISED.
Republicans cutting benefits and raising taxes.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Valpo Republican Mailer Footnote Source Is a Quote From Their Own Co-chair
Clearly, Commissioner Harper has "opposed putting an income tax on the people of Porter County" so the Valparaiso Republicans mailer stating that Harper has "remained silent" on the issue of income taxes is an obvious attempt to dupe the residents of Porter County.
The Valparaiso Republicans claim that Commissioner Harper "failed us" citing the Northwest Indiana Times October 8, 2010 newspaper in an attempt to make their claim that "Harper stood by and watched as Porter County increased the income tax on hardworking families. He actually skipped the meeting when the vote was taken" look authentic in a mailer sent to Porter County Residents this week.
The Valparaiso Republicans claim that Commissioner Harper "failed us" citing the Northwest Indiana Times October 8, 2010 newspaper in an attempt to make their claim that "Harper stood by and watched as Porter County increased the income tax on hardworking families. He actually skipped the meeting when the vote was taken" look authentic in a mailer sent to Porter County Residents this week.
The problem with the source is that they are referring to a QUOTE OF THE VALPARAISO REPUBLICAN PARTY CO-CHAIR in a NWI Times article that beings to question the validity of the Valparaiso Republican Party's own failed "peapod" mailer!
In the October 8, 2010 NWI Times article "GOP, Harper debating accuracy of campaign ad" the Valparaiso Republican co-chair, Michael Simpson, FALSELY claims that "Harper also remained silent in May 2005 when the County Council doubled the county income tax, in part, to cover the county's $3.5 million annual dues as a member of the RDA"
Yet, In the April 26, 2005 meeting minutes for the Porter County Council, Commissioner Harper clearly states "I didn’t vote for the CEDIT tax, and in fact, I opposed putting an income tax on the people of Porter County, and I was very vocal about that. And further, I am vocal about putting any further income taxes on the people of Porter County." In addition, Harper was present at the May 2005 commissioners and county council meetings so I am not sure exactly what meeting
Harper missed when "the vote was taken."
Harper missed when "the vote was taken."
It is disheartening that the Valparaiso Republican Party is mailing out misinformation about Commissioner Bob Harper and they must be held accountable.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Two Peas in a Pod??? A far fetched mailer from the Valparaiso Republican Party
The Valparaiso Republican Party has run out of ways to inflate the resume of Nancy Adams so they have resorted to spreading misinformation about Commissioner Bob Harper.
A recent mailer sent out by the Valparaiso Republicans falsely claims that "Higher Taxes and Bigger Government are the Bob Harper Way" and that "Barack Obama and Bob Harper are two peas in a pod."
Commissioner Bob Harper has a long track record of supporting property tax CAPS. Way back in 2006, Commissioner Harper was cited in the NWI Times as supporting property tax caps to the point of sending "out 1,800 letters asking members of the Association of Indiana Counties to rethink the association's anti-tax cap action stance."
In addition, Harper has clearly proven he is against "Bigger Government" by not supporting the Regional District Authority (RDA) or the Regional Transit District (RTD).
The Valparaiso Republicans also claim that Bob Harper "supports President Obama's government takeover of healthcare" and cited the October 23, 2009 Chesterton Tribune as their source for this claim. The problem is that the article Valparaiso Republican Party is referring to NEVER MENTIONS BOB HARPER!
Anyways, anyone that knows the difference between local and federal politics is aware that Bob Harper cannot vote in the Senate or the House so the health insurance reform bill is not an issue in the Porter County Commissioner's race.
Maybe the Valparaiso Republicans are hoping that the residents of Porter County haven't read any local newspapers in the last several years so they won't be able to point out the blatant errors in the mailer...
Monday, October 4, 2010
3rd Time is NOT the charm: Adams mailer lacks substance
Has Adams really "led the fight for real property tax reform"?
Apparently, the Valparaiso Republicans didn't see that the Committee to elect Nancy Adams omitted the claim that Adams "led the fight for real property tax reform" from their second mailer, since the Valparaiso Republicans put this claim in a mailer they sent out on behalf of Nancy Adams for Porter County Commissioner which is the third Adams mailer I have received in the past month.
The Valparaiso Republican mailer reads, "When Porter County residents were hit with massive property tax increases, Nancy Adams took action, forming a group of 600 concerned citizens that led the fight for real property tax reform." The mailer fails to mention that this group LOST their misguided fight with the DLGF! In addition, Nancy did not form the group, her HUSBAND did. It seems like Adams didn't lead any fight but, instead, was involved in a lost battle.
Does Adams have the "experience" Porter County needs?
If Adams uses the phrase "led the fight" so loosely, I am led to wonder if she uses the term "experience" in the same way. The Valparaiso Republican mailer claims that Nancy has "proven business expertise." I would like to see her resume since the controller of the business she and her husband owns stole from Strongbow Inn for quite some time before they even noticed in 2009. Prior to the business her in-laws sold to her husband, Russ Adams, and herself in the past couple of decades, what is her "experience"? I prefer facts and numbers instead of terms and phrases used loosely.
In addition to misleading statements in the mailer, a word is omitted from the last sentence of the second paragraph. Do you know where the word "an" goes in the following sentence?
Porter County residents should elect a Commissioner with PROVEN experience and leadership. Nancy Adams is not that person.
Apparently, the Valparaiso Republicans didn't see that the Committee to elect Nancy Adams omitted the claim that Adams "led the fight for real property tax reform" from their second mailer, since the Valparaiso Republicans put this claim in a mailer they sent out on behalf of Nancy Adams for Porter County Commissioner which is the third Adams mailer I have received in the past month.
The Valparaiso Republican mailer reads, "When Porter County residents were hit with massive property tax increases, Nancy Adams took action, forming a group of 600 concerned citizens that led the fight for real property tax reform." The mailer fails to mention that this group LOST their misguided fight with the DLGF! In addition, Nancy did not form the group, her HUSBAND did. It seems like Adams didn't lead any fight but, instead, was involved in a lost battle.
Does Adams have the "experience" Porter County needs?
If Adams uses the phrase "led the fight" so loosely, I am led to wonder if she uses the term "experience" in the same way. The Valparaiso Republican mailer claims that Nancy has "proven business expertise." I would like to see her resume since the controller of the business she and her husband owns stole from Strongbow Inn for quite some time before they even noticed in 2009. Prior to the business her in-laws sold to her husband, Russ Adams, and herself in the past couple of decades, what is her "experience"? I prefer facts and numbers instead of terms and phrases used loosely.
In addition to misleading statements in the mailer, a word is omitted from the last sentence of the second paragraph. Do you know where the word "an" goes in the following sentence?
Nancy supports a permanent cap on property taxes to ensure homeowners don't lose their home to unfair taxing system.I may not have perfect spelling or grammar but I am not claiming I have enough "experience" to run the county. This is the second error in an Adams mailer so far. Minor errors in paperwork can lead to big problems for Porter County. (Just ask our currently elected auditor!)
Porter County residents should elect a Commissioner with PROVEN experience and leadership. Nancy Adams is not that person.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Additional questions raised in Nancy Adams' second mailer
The second mailer I received came from the Committee to Elect Nancy Adams Yesterday. The most far fetched sentence in the mailer is that "She knows what it takes to create jobs, manage budgets, and spend every dollar wisely" since Russ and Nancy Adams didn't catch an employee, whom they had hired in 1998 as their controller, stealing money from their business until 2009. I don't see missing an employee stealing money for up to a DECADE as spending every dollar wisely or managing a budget. In addition, since this employee was controller for Strongbow Inn from 1998 until 2009, how can Nancy Adams claim to have the experience required to "spend every dollar wisely"?
Porter County residents cannot afford to have an inexperienced commissioner.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Nancy Adams at "Glenn Beck's Right Nation Event"
Several local conservatives have distanced themselves from Mark Leyva but apparently Nancy Adams has not. Adams was photographed with Lake County Tea Party member, Mark Leyva, at Right Nation 2010 where SARAH PALIN WON the presidential straw poll!
The image in the post was taken from Mark Leyva's web site.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
ATTN Shawn Olson, touching my mailbox is Illegal!
Our state senators are expected to know the law and it is clear to me that Shawn Olson does not.
If Shawn Olson doesn't know that putting anything on my mailbox is illegal, what other laws could he not know about? How does he expect the citizens of Northwest Indiana to trust him to represent our district as State Senator who would author and sponsor bills when he doesn't know this basic law? Even worse, did he just choose to ignore the law?
I woke up this morning to see my street lined with Shawn Olson's political "mailers" (and I use this term quite loosely since no postage was paid) hanging on mailboxes. Several political candidates have had fundraisers and worked hard to afford postage to send out their mailers LAWFULLY.
I don't want officials I elect to cut corners in order to get the job done and Mr. Olson's campaign CUT CORNERS!
3.1.3 Use for Mail
Except under 3.2.11, Newspaper Receptacle, the receptacles described in 3.1.1 may be used only for matter bearing postage. Other than as permitted by 3.2.10, Delivery of Unstamped Newspapers, or 3.2.11, no part of a mail receptacle may be used to deliver any matter not bearing postage, including items or matter placed upon, supported by, attached to, hung from, or inserted into a mail receptacle. Any mailable matter not bearing postage and found as described above is subject to the same postage as would be paid if it were carried by mail.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Turkey Talk Update: Commissioners Race, & Mailer Claims
Our story begins with one 8 x 10 glossy political campaign mailer [pictured right/below].
In a recent post, entitled Talking Turkey: Porter County Commissioners Race, A Mailer & A Nailer, a comment was left by Bob Harper Watch 2010 (BHW2010), a portion of which baffled and perplexed me.
Check your facts - Nancy Adanms has been implicitly involved with the former DLGF Director and his staff in the Democrat mess we call taxation in Porter County. She is running because we can't afford another Harper picked lackey in the assessor, auditor or commissioners office.Friday, September 17, 2010 6:16:00 PM CDT
Bob Harper's 'Lackeys'
Let's get this out of the way right away. With respect to this remark, '...we can't afford another Harper picked lackey in the assessor, auditor or commissioners office', there is not one 'Harper picked lackey' in these offices.
Hey there, BHW2010, these are not appointments. Porter County residents voted these candidates into office. Check your facts. It really looks like the 'lackey' attack is against Porter County voters. If I remember correctly back to the year 2006, county offices flipped, as I recall, to the amazement of Republicans and Democrats alike, along with the tidal wave of change that accompanied the 2006 federal election cycle where nationally, Democrats took the House of Representatives.
This is not to say that those Democrats running for office at that time did not work hard to win elections, but I think everyone noticed how highly unusual it was for so many Democrats to sweep in and win so many county seats in Porter County at one time.
People Were Voting Straight D
To conclude that Bob Harper was responsible for the wave of Democrats that came into office at in 2006 is does not make sense. If there is blame to be laid for too many Democrats, it should be placed at the feet of the national Republican leadership, and the Republican President and his administration and 'lackeys'.
A Challenge To Commercial Assessed Valuations & Tax Increases
Now as to the issue Commissioner Harper's challenger, you suggested that I 'check my facts', so I did just that, although most of the information was included in the links contained in the NWIL blog post, but I'm going to take the time to boil it down for readers just a bit.
Nancy Adanms has been implicitly involved with the former DLGF Director and his staff in the Democrat mess we call taxation in Porter County.
From newspaper reports, it is true that the Adams, as owners of the Strongbow Inn, were upset with the substantial rise in assessed valuations on their commercial property and a large tax bill. It is also true that other commercial properties saw tax increases. Russ and Nancy Adams relied on their Representative, Ed Soliday who requested that the Tim Rushenberg make a review.
Please note that this is what any and every taxpayer should do when they see something they feel should be challenged on their tax bill or with any issue that they are not able to resolve in the ordinary course of doing business. That is what our elected representatives are there to do on our behalf. That is why we elect them.
Does this mean that that Nancy Adams 'led the fight for permanent property tax reform' in the past as her mailer claims? I don't see it in the record. I see a group of small businesses whose property taxes suddenly rose, challenging their taxes by requesting a review.
Another Ironic Development
Concerning Nancy Adams' 'implicit involvement' with the DLGF, this is the a snip from the ruling in the review which can be read in it's entirety, by clicking here.
Increase in Commercial Assessments
The assessed values of commercial property in Porter County increased significantly from 2006 pay 2007 to 2007 pay 2008. After careful review, the Department has confirmed that the sales used (from 2005 and 2006) support and justify this increase in commercial assessed values.
Bob Harper on the other hand as the original post stated, has been fighting for the property tax cap legislation which was passed into law. Bob is still fighting for referendum to be voted upon on November 2, 2010 that seeks to make the cap permanent as a Constitutional amendment.
The Biggest Irony Of All
I will NOT be voting YES on the referendum to make the property tax caps permanent by making it a Constitutional Amendment. It is already the law. That is plenty. Making it harder to undo by making it a Constitutional Amendment while our schools have not too long ago been shifted to a less stable (regressive) revenue source in sales tax does not seem like a great idea to me.
Recent polling suggests that Hoosiers agree with Bob Harper on this one. I guess this makes me not a 'Harper Lackey'. Two entities against the amendment are giving up the fight.
The Indiana Farm Bureau and the Indiana Chamber of Commerce have all but given up efforts to stop the amendment which – if passed – will cement current law that limits homeowners’ tax bills to 1 percent of their assessed values, with some significant exceptions.The amendment would also limit bills for agricultural land to 2 percent of assessed value and commercial land to 3 percent. In all cases, property owners could pay more if construction projects or additional spending is approved in local referendums.I am for not becoming entangled with a less fiscally prudent county to the west that has it's own set of problems and challenges that it needs to reform. That is something that Bob Harper and the current Board of Porter County Commissioners are working to protect Porter County from diving into.
Bob Harper has been referred to as a 'career politician' by those who are against him. My concern is that the 'career politicians' who are supporting and guiding Nancy Adams candidacy are the ones she agrees with unconditionally and unchallenged regarding OUR future with respect to regional agreements. Agreements today or in the future without forethought have the power to create a situation in which Porter County will not have control over our future while costing taxpayers more than we can afford down the road.
This is my concern. Not paranoid. Not petty. A reasonable and valid concern.
I don't agree with Bob on everything but he will have my vote. That being said I also believe that Nancy Adams is a good person, a good Republican and a respected member of our Porter County community, as is Bob Harper (except for the good Republican part). I needed to let my sense of humor kick in after all this serious writing.
Comments are most welcome. Thanks for stopping by, and keep coming back.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Nancy Adams' Mailer Raises Questions

In the past week I received a mailer from the Nancy Adams campaign that has motivated me to do a bit of research. Although the mailer reads that Nancy Adams "led the fight for permanent property tax reform" I can't think of a time I have read about her leading any such fight. In fact, I can't find any news article documenting Nancy Adams leading "the fight". When I search her name in the NWI Times archive I find ONE letter to the editor from Nancy Adams expressing her support for the RDA. The only other article mentioning Nancy Adams, before she filed for candidacy, and taxes is September 13, 2009 in regards to her property tax repayments being spread out and "what concerns her is that her payments are not reaching taxing units in the area." Being concerned is not the same as leading! (Keep in mind the County Treasurer was a Republican at the time) I find her HUSBAND, Russ Adams, in the local papers since he held a meeting at his restaurant at 10:00 am on Friday March 13, 2009 about tax bills for BUSINESS OWNERS. This meeting was also mentioned in the Chesterton Tribune yet Nancy Adams was NEVER MENTIONED. RUSS Adams, alongside several business owners, convinced the DLGF to review Porter County's tax and assessment data and the DLGF decided that the 2008 tax bills were correct.
On the other side, Bob Harper has fought for property tax reform and it is well documented. For instance, in the Indianapolis Star on Feb 13, 2008, an article states the following:
The committee also heard from one county official who said homeowners need help more than governments need money, Bob Harper president of the Porter County commissioners, told the legislatures that though they'd heard from dozens of officials and lobbyists griping about the cuts, "I'm tellin' ya," Harper said, "We need a break."In addition, Harper has been created a Facebook page called "CAP Indiana's Property TAX!" back in November of 2009. Commissioner Harper has proof of his efforts toward ensuring property tax reform.
Even though Nancy says that "she and her husband Russ own Strongbow Inn" on her campaign web site, her mailer describes Nancy "as owner of the Strongbow Inn." I hardly think the Adams campaign can claim in her mailer that she "creates jobs" and "employs over 150 people" when Strongbow Inn already employed between 40 and 60 people by 1980, well over a decade before Russ and his wife became owners. In addition, Nancy Adams shouldn't take credit for building a business that her husband's parents and grandparents built. Nancy wasn't alive in 1937 when the turkey farm was started by Walter and Bess Russell Thrun.
There is little worse than having to spend time researching claims in a political mailer that misrepresent the facts. Whether it is called stretching the truth or telling half truths, I want NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Dear Nancy Adams, Where's the beef (or should I say turkey)?
I received a mailer today from the Committee to Elect Nancy Adams and I am not impressed. I would like to know how Nancy Adams plans to "use existing funds, at NO expense to the taxpayers, to jumpstart a program to attract and grow businesses in Porter County..." How can ONE program do all of this?! Does Adams not consider taxes in existing funds to be taxpayer expenses? WE NEED A PLAN not just someone telling us they have a plan and then not laying the plan out.
I don't think using catch phrases and jargon are enough to win the votes of Porter County residents.
Another line in the mailer states that "Nancy employs over 150 people." I would like to know how many of these jobs are full-time and do they include health insurance or retirement benefits? Porter County residents want quality jobs with benefits for a better quality-of-life and not jobs that just get them by.
I don't think using catch phrases and jargon are enough to win the votes of Porter County residents.
Another line in the mailer states that "Nancy employs over 150 people." I would like to know how many of these jobs are full-time and do they include health insurance or retirement benefits? Porter County residents want quality jobs with benefits for a better quality-of-life and not jobs that just get them by.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Political Peon: 2010: What's at stake for Indiana Democrats?
Cross posted with permission from Political Peon

Listen. Hoosier Democrats must vote come November, 2010.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Whatever.No really.
We've heard it all before. Every election cycle, we hear this. It's the end of the world if we don't vote. Is it really all that different this time?
Well she-yeah. It really, really is. And you may be surprised, but it has less to do with Washington, D.C., as it has to do with you and me.
See that map up there? Congressional Districts. Important stuff, especially in the Indiana State House and Governor's Mansion where the balance of power at this point in time falls like this:
- Republican Governor (Somebody's Man Mitch)
- Republican Majority in the Senate
- Slimly Held Democratic Majority in the House.
If the Republicans are able to secure a majority in the State House of Representatives in 2010, which is not outside the realm of possibility, believe me, they will then own the right to redraw the map. The lines will be redrawn for a generation or more to favor Republican candidates, Republican governors, Republican legislation, Republican ideology.
Indiana... The State Where Conservatism Reigns Supreme
Republican redistricting will also favor Republicans in federal races. We could well see more Republican representation in Congress. How's about, a generation or more with two Republican Senators?
No more turning a 'Pale Shade of Blue' in Presidential election years.

Kind of sad to think of it in those terms, considering the joy and euphoria so many long-time Democratic voters, and a ton of newbies experienced in 2008. No more crying now.
Indiana... The Other Red Meat
Spread the word. Tell fellow Democrats and others who lean to the left, why it's so important to vote in 2010. Stay informed, and stay tuned.
Update: One of my very good friends recently reminded me that if Republicans are in complete charge of our state government, there is a near certainty that Indiana could become a 'Right To Work' state'.
'Right to Work' sounds good and kind of catchy, doesn't it? Don't be fooled.
'Right to Work' means lower wages for everyone, less employment benefits, or in other words, breaking the representation and positive influence of our strongest unions. It's not only bad for union wages and benefits, but it will also serve to negatively affect overall wages in the state.
Women Earn Less in 'Right to Work' States
If there are not people earning those beefy union wages and spending their money in Indiana for goods and services, other non-union employers will offer lower wages.
Many of the Southern states are 'Right To Work' states. Arkansas is a 'Right to Work' for less State, and is also the state where Walmart and Big Oil are Kings!
WAYS TO PARTICIPATE: Walk in a parade with your local Democrats. Participate in 'Voter Registration' drives. Participate in GOTO (Get Out The Vote) neighborhood walks or phone banks. Write some 'Letters to the Editor' in your local papers to inform Democrats of why it is so important to vote. November will be here before we know it.
If you are unable to actively participate in organized events, then talk to that neighbor, talk to that friend, talk to that co-worker and gear up to gear up others to vote come November.
Comments are always welcome, or you may e-mail Duh Peon at politicalpeon@gmail.com.
Is Andy Melin a step in the right direction?
I was pushed down the stairs of Valparaiso High School and called a dyke in the 1990’s mainly because I had short hair and many of my friends were lesbians. Now, almost 13 years later, I am afraid other students will experience the same difficulties now that Andy Melin is the superintendent.
Back in 2007, a Woodlan High School student, Megan Chase, wrote an article advocating tolerance of gays and lesbians. The principle, Edwin Yoder, responded by issuing a written insubordination warning to the teacher, Amy Sorrell, in charge of the high school newspaper demanding that all future issues be reviewed by him. Andy Melin, the assistant superintendent at the time stated ,“It’s not the topic of the article,” Melin said. “It’s the content of the article in terms of its level of its appropriateness and its balance. You have seventh- and eighth-graders who are far less mature than 11th- and 12th-graders.”
What is the balance that Melin is referring to? I sincerely hope that Melin does not believe balance includes intolerance...Sorrel was suspended for two months after allowing an op-ed piece to run that advocates tolerance of gays and the school had moved on.
As a student that has attended VHS in the late 1990's, I sincerely hope that Melin does not reverse the strides that Valparaiso High School has made in regards to gay rights and, instead, embraces the progressive attitude of the Valparaiso community.
Here is a timeline of events:
February 28, 2007 - "Principal Edwin Yoder contacted the newspaper and adviser through a letter that said he must review all issues prior to printing, according to Assistant Superintendent Andy Melin." (http://www.splc.org/newsflash.asp?id=1452)
March 14, 2007 - "Students have stopped publishing their high school student newspaper in protest of a proposed school district policy that would name the school principal "publisher" of the publication and cement his ability to invoke prior review." (http://www.splc.org/newsflash.asp?id=1474)
March 21, 2007 - "A high school journalism adviser was placed on "administrative leave" Monday after the school newspaper published an opinion article on tolerance for homosexuality and a school official halted printing of the publication." (http://www.splc.org/newsflash.asp?id=1483)
April 6, 2007 - "Amy Sorrell, adviser to The Tomahawk student newspaper and the school yearbook, received a notice on March 29 for her potential contract termination after she was placed on "administrative leave" for undisclosed reasons March 19. The letter clarified the school's actions by listing seven violations against the school such as insubordination, neglect of duty and "substantial inability to perform teaching duties." (http://www.splc.org/newsflash.asp?id=1495)
April 27, 2007 Amy Sorrell is removed from advising but keeps her job by being moved to a different shool in the district. (http://vvww.splc.org/newsflash_archives.asp?id=1512&year=2007)
September 10, 2007 - "Just months after reaching an agreement with East Allen County Schools that would have prevented her from teaching journalism, Sorrell instead joined the faculty at Keystone Schools, a private, Christian K-12 school in Fort Wayne, Ind. ... Keystone quickly stepped in to grab her, issuing a press release praising Sorrell’s history of free speech advocacy." (http://vvww.splc.org/newsflash.asp?id=1600)
Back in 2007, a Woodlan High School student, Megan Chase, wrote an article advocating tolerance of gays and lesbians. The principle, Edwin Yoder, responded by issuing a written insubordination warning to the teacher, Amy Sorrell, in charge of the high school newspaper demanding that all future issues be reviewed by him. Andy Melin, the assistant superintendent at the time stated ,“It’s not the topic of the article,” Melin said. “It’s the content of the article in terms of its level of its appropriateness and its balance. You have seventh- and eighth-graders who are far less mature than 11th- and 12th-graders.”
What is the balance that Melin is referring to? I sincerely hope that Melin does not believe balance includes intolerance...Sorrel was suspended for two months after allowing an op-ed piece to run that advocates tolerance of gays and the school had moved on.
As a student that has attended VHS in the late 1990's, I sincerely hope that Melin does not reverse the strides that Valparaiso High School has made in regards to gay rights and, instead, embraces the progressive attitude of the Valparaiso community.
Here is a timeline of events:
February 28, 2007 - "Principal Edwin Yoder contacted the newspaper and adviser through a letter that said he must review all issues prior to printing, according to Assistant Superintendent Andy Melin." (http://www.splc.org/newsflash.asp?id=1452)
March 14, 2007 - "Students have stopped publishing their high school student newspaper in protest of a proposed school district policy that would name the school principal "publisher" of the publication and cement his ability to invoke prior review." (http://www.splc.org/newsflash.asp?id=1474)
March 21, 2007 - "A high school journalism adviser was placed on "administrative leave" Monday after the school newspaper published an opinion article on tolerance for homosexuality and a school official halted printing of the publication." (http://www.splc.org/newsflash.asp?id=1483)
April 6, 2007 - "Amy Sorrell, adviser to The Tomahawk student newspaper and the school yearbook, received a notice on March 29 for her potential contract termination after she was placed on "administrative leave" for undisclosed reasons March 19. The letter clarified the school's actions by listing seven violations against the school such as insubordination, neglect of duty and "substantial inability to perform teaching duties." (http://www.splc.org/newsflash.asp?id=1495)
April 27, 2007 Amy Sorrell is removed from advising but keeps her job by being moved to a different shool in the district. (http://vvww.splc.org/newsflash_archives.asp?id=1512&year=2007)
September 10, 2007 - "Just months after reaching an agreement with East Allen County Schools that would have prevented her from teaching journalism, Sorrell instead joined the faculty at Keystone Schools, a private, Christian K-12 school in Fort Wayne, Ind. ... Keystone quickly stepped in to grab her, issuing a press release praising Sorrell’s history of free speech advocacy." (http://vvww.splc.org/newsflash.asp?id=1600)
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Should the JROTC be able to participate in the NWIP rally?
I would think the answer to whether or not the JROTC is legally allowed to participate in the Northwest Indiana Patriot (NWIP) rally would be no. The Cadet Command Regulation 145-2, on page 145, clearly states:
Jones urges to her tea party members to attend the Republican Party meetings in Porter County, urging tea party members to become precinct committee persons and state delegates which clearly puts the NWIP under #1. The NWIP event is a rally that the JROTC would be participating in which falls under #2. #3 Is up to a matter of opinion but I find the signs "Got rope?" and "Our forefathers would have been shooting by now" as extremist and these signs have been seen and photographed at prior NWIP rallies so this would be reason number 3 to now allow the JROTC to attend the NWIP rally. I will leave it up for you to decide as to whether or not "wearing the uniform would bring discredit upon the Army" is another valid reason to prohibit the JROTC from participating in the NWIP rally.
JROTC Cadets are prohibited from wearing the Army uniform in the following situations:
(1) In connection with the furtherance of any political or commercial interests, or when engaged in off-duty civilian employment.
(2) When participating in public speeches, interviews, picket lines, marches, rallies, or public demonstrations, except as authorized by the Commander, USACC.
(3) When attending any meeting or event that is a function of, or is sponsored by, an extremist organization.
(4) When wearing the uniform would bring discredit upon the Army.
(5) When specifically prohibited by Army regulations.
Jones urges to her tea party members to attend the Republican Party meetings in Porter County, urging tea party members to become precinct committee persons and state delegates which clearly puts the NWIP under #1. The NWIP event is a rally that the JROTC would be participating in which falls under #2. #3 Is up to a matter of opinion but I find the signs "Got rope?" and "Our forefathers would have been shooting by now" as extremist and these signs have been seen and photographed at prior NWIP rallies so this would be reason number 3 to now allow the JROTC to attend the NWIP rally. I will leave it up for you to decide as to whether or not "wearing the uniform would bring discredit upon the Army" is another valid reason to prohibit the JROTC from participating in the NWIP rally.
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