Friday, September 24, 2010

Nancy Adams at "Glenn Beck's Right Nation Event"

Nancy Adams in a photograph at "Glenn Beck's Right Nation Event" with Mark Leyva.

Several local conservatives have distanced themselves from Mark Leyva but apparently Nancy Adams has not. Adams was photographed with Lake County Tea Party member, Mark Leyva, at Right Nation 2010 where SARAH PALIN WON the presidential straw poll!
The image in the post was taken from Mark Leyva's web site.


  1. Aha when in doubt and pretending to be conservative won't work anynore then begin attacking conservatives. I thought Bob Harper was your chosen conservative faker?

    Mark Leyvya will lose, but mainly because Pete Visclodky fleeced our government for monies to hand out in return for donations. Don't fool yourself, November will be bad for your team.

  2. Mark Leyva will lose because of himself and the words that come out of his mouth. I do believe that Bob Harper has a "D" next to his name so there is no pretending on his end either.

    FYI-WE ARE ALL AMERICANS so I think we are all on the same team, we just have different ideas on how to succeed.
