Tuesday, September 21, 2010

ATTN Shawn Olson, touching my mailbox is Illegal!

Our state senators are expected to know the law and it is clear to me that Shawn Olson does not.

If Shawn Olson doesn't know that putting anything on my mailbox is illegal, what other laws could he not know about? How does he expect the citizens of Northwest Indiana to trust him to represent our district as State Senator who would author and sponsor bills when he doesn't know this basic law? Even worse, did he just choose to ignore the law?

I woke up this morning to see my street lined with Shawn Olson's political "mailers" (and I use this term quite  loosely since no postage was paid) hanging on mailboxes. Several political candidates have had fundraisers and worked hard to afford postage to send out their mailers LAWFULLY.

I don't want officials I elect to cut corners in order to get the job done and Mr. Olson's campaign CUT CORNERS!

3.1.3 Use for Mail

Except under 3.2.11, Newspaper Receptacle, the receptacles described in 3.1.1 may be used only for matter bearing postage. Other than as permitted by 3.2.10, Delivery of Unstamped Newspapers, or 3.2.11, no part of a mail receptacle may be used to deliver any matter not bearing postage, including items or matter placed upon, supported by, attached to, hung from, or inserted into a mail receptacle. Any mailable matter not bearing postage and found as described above is subject to the same postage as would be paid if it were carried by mail.

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