In the past week I received a mailer from the Nancy Adams campaign that has motivated me to do a bit of research. Although the mailer reads that Nancy Adams "led the fight for permanent property tax reform" I can't think of a time I have read about her leading any such fight. In fact, I can't find any news article documenting Nancy Adams leading "the fight". When I search her name in the NWI Times archive I find ONE letter to the editor from
Nancy Adams expressing her support for the RDA. The only other article mentioning Nancy Adams, before she filed for candidacy, and taxes is September 13, 2009 in regards to her property tax repayments being spread out and
"what concerns her is that her payments are not reaching taxing units in the area." Being concerned is not the same as leading! (Keep in mind the County Treasurer was a Republican at the time) I find her HUSBAND, Russ Adams, in the local papers since he held a meeting at his restaurant at
10:00 am on Friday March 13, 2009 about tax bills for BUSINESS OWNERS. This meeting was also mentioned in the Chesterton Tribune yet Nancy Adams was NEVER MENTIONED.
RUSS Adams, alongside several business owners, convinced the DLGF to review Porter County's tax and assessment data and the DLGF decided that the 2008 tax bills were correct.
On the other side, Bob Harper has fought for property tax reform and it is well documented. For instance, in the
Indianapolis Star on Feb 13, 2008, an article states the following:
The committee also heard from one county official who said homeowners need help more than governments need money, Bob Harper president of the Porter County commissioners, told the legislatures that though they'd heard from dozens of officials and lobbyists griping about the cuts, "I'm tellin' ya," Harper said, "We need a break."
In addition, Harper has been created a Facebook page called
"CAP Indiana's Property TAX!" back in November of 2009.
Commissioner Harper has proof of his efforts toward ensuring property tax reform.
Even though Nancy says that "she and her husband Russ own Strongbow Inn" on her campaign web site, her mailer describes Nancy "as owner of the Strongbow Inn." I hardly think the Adams campaign can claim in her mailer that she "creates jobs" and "employs over 150 people" when Strongbow Inn already employed between 40 and 60 people by 1980, well over a decade before Russ and his wife became owners. In addition, Nancy Adams shouldn't take credit for building a business that her
husband's parents and grandparents built. Nancy wasn't alive in 1937 when the turkey farm was started by Walter and Bess Russell Thrun.
There is little worse than having to spend time researching claims in a political mailer that misrepresent the facts. Whether it is called stretching the truth or telling half truths, I want NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH!